


Users of the PA EMS app should be aware that while every effort to made to make sure that the data presented in the App is correct, the user assumes all risks associated with incorrect data. This includes (but is not limited to) incorrect addresses or geo-data, user location inaccuracies, inaccurate protocols, inaccurate hospital labels, etc. Because the app requires internet connectivity for most functions, you are accepting the risks that information may be inaccessible if you are in an area without coverage. In the event you do find an error with the data presented anywhere in the app, or if you have additional information about the services a hospital provides that aren’t listed within the app, please do not hesitate to use the contact us link and tell us how to improve. The developer of this application is not responsible for any errors in patient care, outdated data, incorrect routing, or any other problems that may arise from information contained in the data. It is wholly the responsibility of the user to ensure they are operating within their defined scope of practice and providing great care to their patients. Protocols or hospital data can change and be implemented well before the app is updated, so please note it is your responsibility to practice accordingly.


Previous geocoding and ad purchases are non-refundable. In the event either does not work, please use the contact us link to troubleshoot the problem. Other refunds may be handled be the respective app stores. Please note, starting in 2018 all in-app purchases were removed for simplicity’s sake. There is one application price for everything, which is set at a rate to help cover the developer’s costs. The developer reserves the right to offer promotions or make available previously price-guarded features or applications without notice or responsibility to refund current purchasers. Prices are up to the discretion of the developer and the user will not receive notice or refund if prices change after purchase. The developer is not responsible for technical errors from either Heroku (used to host our databases), Microsoft (used for Geocoding), Google (used for file storage and Android interface, systems, store, etc.) or Apple (interface, systems, store, etc.). Please use that contact us link to let us know of problems you are experiencing so that I can contact the relevant vendor. Sorry for any inconvenience their service interruption may cause. Service interruption statuses will be posted on the PA EMS Facebook page whenever possible. The developer will honor existing purchases made through the app so long as the in-app-purchase is available for the application. No refunds will take place once they are removed.


Your privacy is extremely important to us, not only because the developer is in EMS and understands how sensitive the topic is, but also because its the right thing to do. The data collected from this app is detailed in the privacy policy. The reason this data is collected is to help target education on protocols. The developer will not sell data collected or share it with any for-profit, non-EMS-related group, business, or service. Again, the main reason any data is collected is to ensure that we can help create an amazing EMS system in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The developer (me) is a regular old guy who doesn’t work for a hospital or health system that can afford to pay a developer. This app is a hobby project that has been used as the developer learns to code. The developer was a political science major and is presently a paramedic/Assistant Chief, not exactly the Silicon Valley type. The app tries to embody this rougher spirit- agnostic to hospital branding so that it promotes EMS in Pennsylvania as a whole, not a specific health system’s agenda. That is why the application quality might not be the best, but the functionality should hopefully be useful.


Ongoing use of the app constitutes acceptance with these terms. Terms updated 4/17/2019 for app release version 19